City of Chicago Building Code Issues
When a municipality such as the City of Chicago begins proceedings for an alleged building code violation, all parties affiliated with the property may be named in the complaint and summoned to court. These parties may include the property owners, landlords, tenants, property managers, lenders, lienholders, and any other person or entity with an interest in the land.Building code cases may start because of the existence of an apparent hazard or because an inspection revealed certain problems or unsafe conditions. Municipalities may seek various remedies depending on the extent and nature of the problems alleged. For example, they may include abatement of hazardous conditions, imposition of fines, and in certain situations, demolition of the structure. In a typical case, the court oversees the timing and scope of the remediation, and apportions responsibility for any costs or penalties.
Even though municipalities often name numerous parties in their complaint, not every party directly owns, controls, or has access to the property. Therefore, a party may or may not be able to implement the changes being sought to the condition of the property. If you are named as a party in a building code citation, it is important to identify your involvement with the target property. We then can assist you in formulating a response to the complaint and a strategy to best maintain and preserve your interest and investment in the property. Our experience with these types of matters can provide insight into the process and guidance as the case progresses.